Tuesday 28 August 2012

Next Level Gamers Podcast Episode 15

Once again another episode "a bit later than usual" as ever we apologise for this and will start to get them coming on time from now on ... hopefully

You can download the show from iTunes or follow this link .. http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/next-lvl-gamers-podcast/id525183508

In this weeks show:
This week: We cover the latest gaming news across all platforms, this weeks top 5 best selling games, Alex is back with a more feminine voice and seems to have broken his microphone, how damaging will the new Xbox 720 be to other platforms? Wordy and Tom argue and have a fight, we discuss our top 3 trailers of the week – District 187 – Hitman: Absolution – Metal Gear Rising Vengeance. All the regular features you have come to know and love – Identity Crisis – Which ones Bollocks – Gamebusters, Wordy’s tries to play on a console and fails, we discuss why Ubisoft need to get a new CEO, Fallout 4 rumours, what are our top 5 role playing games? other discussions include – Shinobi, Sniper Elite V2, Dragons Dogma and 3 things that piss Tom off.
Please dont forget to rate and review 5 stars on iTunes and if you have any questions for the show tweet me at https://twitter.com/Tompollardss or email nextlvlgamerspodcast@gmail.com

Saturday 18 August 2012

Next Level Gamers Podcast Episode 14

Only one day late this time comes another episode of the award winning next level gamers podcast,
To find the podcast follow this link .. http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/next-lvl-gamers-podcast/id525183508

In this weeks show ...
This week: The latest gaming charts and news, Alex has actually gone missing, Tom gets annoyed within the first 2 minutes, Wordy can see Magpies, awful links, what does it take to turn a game series into a good gaming universe? Spore, top 5 gaming enemies, Tom can’t count to 5, this weeks top 3 trailers, Dead Space 3, The last of us, Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel, Tom encourages Piracy, Jonny thinks hes good at Lord of the Rings Online, top 5 games we want to make a comeback, Tom and Wordy have another fight, which ones bollocks, Sony still aren’t making ANY money, why Wordy doesn’t follow anyone on Twitter, identity crisis, Max Payne 3, Lollipop Chainsaw and finally Gamebusters.
Dont forget to leave them all important 5 star iTunes reviews

Monday 13 August 2012

Next Level Gamers Podcast Episode 13 (A little later than usual)

Because of technical issues the podcast you all look forward to on a Friday afternoon will make its Monday debut this week.

This late week: Technical server issues, very similar features, the gaming charts, Tom claims AGAIN that we are award winning, we register Alex to the missing persons list, more shameless plugs, Wordy and Tom have an actual fight, the latest gaming news, is Sony making any money this week? More pointless PS3′s, How much would you be willing to pay for the new consoles? 5 favourite co-op games, Jonny needs to get double glazing, the return of Which ones Bollocks, Wordy does Gamebusters and we accuse Jonny of keeping little children in his bedroom. All this and more on this weeks late podcast issue.

Download the podcast here http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/next-lvl-gamers-podcast/id525183508

And dont forget to rate 5 star on iTunes

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Podcast Questions

The next episode of NextLvlGamersPodcast will be recorded tonight, if you have any questions to be answered on the podcast email ... nextlvlgamerspodcast@gmail.com
Or alternatively tweet me the question https://twitter.com/TompollardssA
ll questions welcome

And please don't forget to review the podcast 5 stars on iTunes

Sunday 5 August 2012

Sleeping Dogs Trailer

Excited about the release of Sleeping Dogs? check out this trailer 

Saturday 4 August 2012

Character Profile: Tali'Zorah nar Rayya

Before I start this "character profile" I must explain that this will be the first in a series of character profiles analysing all my favourite video characters, be that protagonists, antagonists, npc's and more, the character profile will go into who the character is and why I, and many more, like them. I will also document a "defining moment" that the character has that sums up their persona and why gamers love them. Throughout this series of profiles I will document many characters from the gaming universe but for now look forward to the first character profile in this brand new series.
Tali has a unique appearance 

So onto the first character profile ... Tali'Zorah nar Rayy 

Who is She?
Tali'Zorah nar Rayya is a quarian and a member of Commander Shepard's squad. She is the daughter of Rael'Zorah, a member of the Admiralty Board. Though young, Tali is a mechanical genius. When Shepard first meets her during the events of the first game  she is on her Pilgrimage, a rite of passage to prove her worth and bring something of value back to her people aboard the Migrant Fleet. Early in the second game, having completed her Pilgrimage, Tali has been entrusted with leading an important research mission for the Admiralty Board.

Why We Love Her 
There are many video game characters that appeal to us as gamers and the reasons behind this can mostly be derived down to them looking "cool" and being a "brave hero" and many other clichés, but once in a while a character will come along in a game that is much more than a cliché, a character that we can relate to, emphasise with, and love, a character that is much more than just a character, and for me this is the notion Tali embodies.

But what is it about her that I love, while I was asking myself this in preparation for this profile the first thing that came to me was that she is so easy to relate to, and the primary reason for this is the vulnerability that she shows throughout her time in the Mass Effect series. Tali's vulnerability comes from many things but the most prominent is her feeling of wanting to belong and to prove herself, this in essence is why she is so easy to like because she relates to us as humans more than most video game characters, she wants the same as us, all we really want is a place to be and be loved and a purpose in life. Vulnerability is something that links everyone together, and even though intuitively you would think that it would be easier to relate to human characters in the game it is this Quarian that I could relate to most, and it was Tali who's story I was most interested in.

It is important though not to confuse vulnerability with weakness, because Tali is one of the most metaphorically strongest characters I've seen in the video game world, and this is another big reason why she is more than a character, her strength is amazing. Anyone who has played any of the Mass Effect games will know that the in-game characters are facing the extinction of all life in the galaxy and are trying to combat that happening, as you would expect the pressure on the characters is immense so you forgive a character for feeling scared yet throughout the events of the three games Tali was always there in my game to share each problem my Shepard had. Tali had her own pressures to deal with, she had the fate of her entire race resting on her shoulders yet she would always talk to the other crew members and help them with there problems, even when the world around her was falling she would remain strong, and this strength in character makes the player envy Tali even more.

Tali's real face revealed in Mass Effect 3
You would not think that innocence in this environment would be a defining part of a character but when coupled with her vulnerability and strength of character it is a major piece of the puzzle that makes Tali a great video game character. Before embarking on this epic adventure upon the Normandy Tali was a recluse, as a result of this her people skills and social skills are practically none, this leads to initial problems when she is living with the other crew members on the Normandy, she starts off very uncomfortable around the other races, and although initially this is grounds for comedy it quickly turns into another emotional attachment between the player and the character with my Shepard always trying to help her grow as a person. I don't think Tali's innocence was defined better than in her romance with my Shepard, the journey that she made between being a socially awkward Quarian on the Normandy to learning how to better understand human emotions which culminates in a unbelievably emotional, and more importantly for a game believable, romance with Shepard.

Defining Moment
This may be a hard choice for most characters but for Tali there can be only one defining moment, the goodbye said between Tali and Shepard at the end of Mass Effect 3. For me one of, if not, the most emotional scene I've seen in a video game, after meeting this "alien" looking for a place to belong in the first game to growing to love the character by the third game and taking in to consideration all the events that happened in between is what make this an overwhelming moment, both characters knowing that there journey is about to be over as they face obliteration by the reapers. And the line that makes this the scene it is? when Shepard is forced to leave Tali to make is the very final assault on the reapers he says that he wants better for her, he wants her to go on living, to build a home on her native planet Rannoch to which she simply responds with tears in her eyes "I already have a home".

Friday 3 August 2012

Next Level Gamers Podcast Episode 12

Once again Friday rolls around which means we will be serving you another dose of podcast goodness, on this weeks show ..
This week: Gaming charts, the latest gaming news, Tom claims we are award winning, Alex gets a back street sex change in Slovakia, Tom cant link between features, the big ramble what is the most important aspect of video games? Shameless plugs, Jonny doesn’t know the meaning of salt, what have we been playing this week? Project 8 and why Skate is better, top 5 greatest bad guys, top 5 open world games, Lord of the Rings Online, Wordy’s stomach has a turn for the worst, Transformers: War for Cybertron, Which ones Bollocks, EA makes more profits on PC than PS3, is Sony making any money this week? Azura’s Wrath, Inversion, Lollipop Chainsaw, Can top game franchises be stopped in their tracks? and Gamebusters with bad clues.
To download the podcast follow this link .. http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/next-lvl-gamers-podcast/id525183508

Please dont forget to leave them amazing 5 star iTunes reviews